
at the National Service-Learning Conference®

Each year, NYLC is pleased to welcome many talented speakers and presenters to The National Service-Learning Conference®. Attendees will have an opportunity to hear from topical experts, inspiring change-makers, and more!

More speakers coming soon!

Dr. Matthew C. MacWilliams

Dr. Matthew C. MacWilliams is the Global Public Opinion Lead of the Foundation International Communications Hub (Comms Hub), a foundation based in Spain that is dedicated to the furtherance of civil society and democracy globally.  Dr. MacWilliams is also, a Non-Resident Fellow at the German Marshall Fund, Senior External Adviser to European Movement International in Brussels, and remains President of MacWilliams Sanders Communications.

Dr. MacWilliams earned his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Massachusetts where he was a Visiting Research Associate and lectured on democracy and participation in the international Civic Initiative program. His B.A. (Phi Beta Kappa) was earned at the University of Pennsylvania where he was a Benjamin Franklin Scholar.