Youth Voice

Elevating youth voice is necessary for the future of our world.

Youth Voice Defined

Youth voice is the distinct ideas, opinions, attitudes, knowledge, and actions of young people as a collective body. It’s about ensuring that young people are not only heard but actively engaged in shaping decisions and policies that impact their lives, their communities, and the world. It’s an empowering process that gives young people a sense of ownership within their communities and society more broadly. 

When youth voices are heard and valued, it ignites a sense of empowerment and validation, confirming that their ideas, experiences, and perspectives matter.

Join us in Elevating Youth Voice

Engaging young people in tackling global challenges is not merely beneficial—it is essential. Their energy, creativity, and passion are catalysts for meaningful change within communities and around the world. By recognizing, valuing, and empowering young people, we can harness their innovative ideas and drive progress toward a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world for everyone.

NYLC is committed to creating shared spaces with youth. Together, we can ensure that young people are empowered to lead, innovate, and change the world.

To learn more about youth leadership opportunities, check out The Power of Young People podcast and visit our robust Resource Library

When service-learning is used in or outside the classroom, it provides ample opportunities for young people to share their voices and experiences while addressing a genuine community need. There are many ways you can support youth voice within quality service-learning instruction…

From Student Vision to Global Impact

Looking back, I realize that leadership isn’t about standing alone at the top. It’s about building on the foundation of those who believe in you, and who see your potential even when you don’t. Today, as I continue my work with ReTE and other initiatives, I strive to be the kind of youth leader who lifts others as I climb…

What’s your definition of youth voice?

Like many complex issues, understanding youth voice can be challenging and confusing. Is it young people speaking their minds? Is it youth addressing an issue they care about? Is it youth deconstructing systems that don’t serve them? Is it a graffiti mural in a community space? It’s all of the above. And more…