Youth as Solutions
Nationwide, our Youth as Solutions Leadership Teams are generating positive change in their communities by defining and pursuing a project in one of these four main impact areas!
We are currently only accepting applications for our Peacemaking cohort! This will run on a March - September 2025 timeline.
Applications are due Monday, March 3rd.
Educational Equity means that every student should have access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed regardless of their race, gender, socioeconomic status, or any other identity. Teams working within the educational equity focus area will address and challenge barriers to accessing a high-quality education, playing a vital role in ensuring every student has an opportunity to succeed! After investigating the needs of your own school and community, your team may discover a need to advocate for more access to resources and support, or create a multicultural school environment, or even develop new technologies to better support students and classrooms.
Check out these examples!
Community health empowers young people to improve health outcomes and reduce disparities as they address pressing issues in their schools and communities. Teams who work in the community health impact area can focus on any number of different issues like: teen driver safety – promoting better seat belt usage and less distracted driving among peers; improving youth mental health outcomes; reducing gun violence and crime; or addressing the impacts of health issues like COVID-19; and more. Your team will develop a campaign that makes a measurable difference in your school, community, and beyond!
Teen driver safety Leadership Teams are sponsored by GM and Honda.
Check out these examples!
Teams working on the environmental justice impact area have the ability to affect our planet now and for future generations! This impact area allows your team to investigate and explore the issues we are facing in improving and maintaining the right to a clean and healthy community. Your investigation may lead you to address problems like access to food or water, infrastructure issues, pollution, and more. Your team’s work in this impact area has the ability to create a lasting change for generations to come!
Check out these examples!
Civics and Democracy empowers young people to participate in activities that improve their community and address social issues. Teams engaged in this focus area are empowered to investigate ways to generate positive change within their schools and communities by forging pathways to active citizenship, fostering leadership, and impacting our democratic voting processes. Your investigation may lead you to facilitate voter education and registration, educate others on democracy, build community networks of support, or create structures for communities to serve together. No matter the initiative, each endeavor reflects a commitment to civic engagement and community.
Peacemaking Leadership Teams are sponsored by 9/11 Day.
Voting rights Leadership Teams are sponsored by the Minnesota Democracy Expansion Fund.
Check out these examples!
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